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Hello, and Welcome to Bethesda

 I greet you and welcome you in the name of the Lord.  We are a new church, not better than any church, but you have arrived at a right place where you will get connected with God through the faith in Jesus Christ, Baptize and anoint in the Holy Ghost.
Most people today are searching for something that is meaningful and lasting. At Bethesda, we believe that meaning and direction in life can only be found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
As a congregation we are committed to serving the people of our community by helping them understand how they can know and love God through Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we seek to be faithful to the Bible as the Word of God. We seek to teach it in a clear, accurate and practical manner, applying it to everyday life.

Our church is genuinely concerned about you. We would welcome any opportunity to get to know you and be of help in any way.
At Bethesda, we are excited about today and the future, for we serve a Great God who is at work in a great way giving meaning and eternal life to people all around us.
Peace and Love be with you.
Prophet Nhial Ruon
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