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We're Building the House of the Lord: Bethesda Church in Juba!

Bethesda Church of All Nations has a plan to build its first church in Juba, South Sudan by 2025. The cost of building the church is projected between $80,000 and $100,000 US. To achieve this goal, we urge to all Christians and non Christians to help us build this church by 2025. Below are proposed vision of Bethesda Church of All Nations and its branches. Please consider making donation toward building this church. God bless you!
We're Building BCOAN in Juba by 2025
Pastor Nhial Ruon, the founder of Bethesda Church of All Nations has a vision to build the first House of the Lord in Juba by 2025. He urges all people in the world to help build this church. Pastor and his current members of the Church have dream to build a Church that seats 5,000 congregation or capacity in Juba. 


BCOAN to Build an Orphanage by 2025
Bethesda Church of all Nations will build both orphanage and clinic in the same year. Please continue supporting us  to achieve the financial needs. 


Building Healing Center in Juba

Healing Center is the part of the Church's mission. As soon as the Church is built, we will do fundraising to build this center by 2025. The center cost approximately $30,000 U.S.D. Donations toward this project is currently accepted. 


BCOAN to Build Clinic in Juba by 2025
As a new country, republic of South Sudan seeks to improve her health care system and health care services. Bethesda Church will build its clinic where Christians and community will be benefited from it. The clinic will be built at the time the Orphanage is built. Please support us to achieve this goal by 2025.


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