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Bethesda Choir! The Voice to the Family of God. A Powerful Worship of the Lord. 
Our choir members get together with fundamental purpose of  leading people in worship of Almighty God. What ever nature of your singing ability is, we welcome everybody to join our choir.  At Bethesda Choir, we believe that true worship leading must be a supernatural extension of our love relationship with Christ (Matthew 22:37,38). Through our choir, we highlight and develop our choir purpose in  three ways: (1) by having  weekly and monthly prayer meetings, (2) by holding annual choir retreats(under way), and (3) by conducting annual commissioning services(soon to start).
While we believe that be in God control must come through personal commitment of dedicating to prayers, praising, and worshiping God, Our choir has three main levels to commitment to God: 
Weekly and Monthly Pray Meetings


By having weekly or monthly prayers meetings,  we develop the grind of rehearsal time  that can bring spiritual development to a halt among choir members. These pray meetings help us deal with interpersonal relationships within the choir and extreme care must that promote and renew the intimacy with Christ.
Our choir's weekly rehearsal is Sunday at 5 p.m. While this has worked best to allow the greatest involvement of a broad section of people, the hectic pace demands weekly rehearsal is every Wednesday night.  At the choir, the important time together is centered on: 
1. Practice. We do practice on Wednesday night and sing on Sunday. Wednesday night practice is a great opportunity to introduce new music, new song.
2. Praise. Members of Bethesda Choir sing because they adore, worship and praise the Lord.  By joining our choir, you  extend the time of praise and worship which  is imperative to renew your sense of intimacy with the Lord.
In Scripture God called His people to love and worship Him far more often than He called them to activity. For example, in the story of the exodus of Israel, God repeatedly commands Pharaoh to: "Let my people go, so that they may worship me" (Exodus 7:16; 8:1; 9:1,13; 10:7,26). It is within God's great plan that we worship Him first (Matthew 22:37,38; John 4:23), then all other ministry activity becomes natural outgrowths of that relationship.
3. Prayer. As our relationship with God is renewed, the Holy Spirit empowers us to minister to one another. Sharing prayer requests and praise reports opens the door for body ministry. This is a great opportunity to encourage choir members to minister to one another rather than expecting the ministerial staff to be the only source of spiritual care.
 Annual Choir Retreat
​Bethesda Choir is in process to launch the Annual Choir Retreat. The purpose of the Annual Choir Retreat is to hold a powerful tool for revitalizing and focusing  our church and choir vision. The idea of our choir annual retreat followed by the example, Christ often withdrew with His disciples for a time of teaching and prayer. Through,  Our Annual Choir Retreat affords abundant opportunities for building relationships with each other, for conducting rehearsals of new music, and for encouraging spiritual renewal with the Lord among our members.  Our choir will have hold retreat in order to allow our choir members build: 
1. Relationships. Here we will choose a day in the week and place that will allow the choir time to relax together. The night will also allow choir members to encourage the sharing of past memories and milestones in the choir's history and endeavor to create new memories that night. Close the evening by sharing a theme and a key Scripture verse for the coming year's ministry.

2. Rehearsal and renewal. While fellowship continues to play a role on Wednesday and Sunday, rehearsal and renewal are the focal points of the activities. Generous allotments of time for praise and worship can be interspersed with rehearsals. Through Rehearsal and renewal day, we will invite  a music minister or workshop speaker from outside our church. 
Through annual commissioning service, this is where our choir members need to solidify their God-given call to music ministry. At the same time, we need to ordain our  prayers and worships commissioning service  that will emerge as the vehicle by which  our  choir can be ordained for  our church services. During annual commissioning service, we will call it a time for renewal and commitment to the church services. Throughout our commitments toward prayers, choir and worshiping, we believe that  a well-focused, dynamic ministry is created and blessed by God as it is birthed in prayer and lived out in relationship to Him. Therefore, these tools including weekly and monthly prayer meetings, annual choir retreats, and annual commissioning service do highlight and help  us work out our ultimate purpose to worship God. More importantly, we use them to motivate the choir to personal, daily growth through an intimate relationship with God. For it is only through watching and knowing the Father that we will be able to effectively carry out His ministry (John 5:19,20).
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