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About Prophet Nhial

Prophet Nhial is an anointed, appointed and dynamic deliverer of the word of God. Prophet Nhial was born in Nasir, South Sudan. In 1998, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the tender age of 17 when he was in Ethiopia. During the course of his life, he has overcome many challenges and can truly shout out that Jesus is the lord and the savior of his life. Prophet Nhial grew up as an orphan when he lost his father in 1982. Life was very hard but “the hand of lord is not so short that he cannot save, nor his ear so dull that he cannot hear” Isaiah 59:1. In 2000, Prophet Nhial arrived in the United States, and he was not alone, but with Jesus.

Prophet Nhial tried to work, but nothing worked out for him until he came to realize that Jesus was the only way throughout his life. In 2003, he received calling from God to serve Him.  And began to preach from house to house to share the love of God with people.

In 2011 he saw the Manifestation and the Power of the Holy Ghost through his prayers. He was filled up with the Power of the Holy Spirit and God gave  him  the key to  unlock the way to the Kingdom of God to His people, as the Lord said it all in the Holy Bible:

He said unto me, this is the year of the mission! Matthew 10: 7.
"You have to go for full time ministry! ", the Lord to him.
When he heard that he went to Huston, Minnesota on May 25, 2011, where God performed miracles by healing many people with all kinds of sickness.

Today, Prophet Nhial chose to live in Gods control while preaching the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In order to spread the word of God, Prophet Nhial travels from State to State and country to country.  By nature, he is someone with good heart, understanding and most of all blessing victories in his life.  Prophet Nhial has good heart to save God's people in the world.
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